Exporting MIDI - Drumset Cymbals become Bass Drums

• Sep 7, 2016 - 03:25

I'm using Musescore 2.0.3

I have a composition (attached) which has an odd quirk when I export it as a MIDI file: all of the cymbals from the Drumset track turn into bass drum sounds.

Oddly enough, I've noticed when I delete the Cymbal and Woodblock tracks, the Drumset cymbals sound fine in MIDI format.

Any idea why the Drumset cymbals are being altered in this way?

Attachment Size
MAP09.mscz 16.63 KB


If I export your file to MIDI then re-import it into MuseScore, the cymbals stay cymbals. What makes you say the cymbals are turning into bass drums? Are you perhaps loading the MIDI file into some other program to play it back? Perhaps that program does not use standard General MIDI drum assignments, and that is why it is not correctly understanding the MIDI files from GM-compliant programs like MuseScore?

In reply to by TheKingLunar

I don't know what sort of standard any of those programs use to decide which drum pitches correspond to which drum sounds, but as I said, you need to make sure ift is General MIDI compliant. Maybe there is some sort of option you need to set in that program to get it to use the GM standard rather than whatever it uses otherwise, although this seems unlikely. but the MIDI file itself is just fine, as you can see if you re-import it into MuseScore.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

The cymbal and woodblock in this score use the Orchestra kit. Support for additional percussion kits is not part of GM standard. So the other players are probably GM compliant but the MIDI file produced by MuseScore in this case is not. It's GM2 or GS.
To sum it up, if you want your MIDI files to sound "more similar", you should stick to the Standard percussion kit in the mixer.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I have the same issue. Even in the basic drum kit that comes with MS, some of the sounds don't map properly when exported to popular DAWs. The workaround for me at this point is to move those sounds using the midi editor in the DAW. However, it would be much simpler if I could simply reassign the midi sounds directly in MS so that I only have to it the one time. Is that possible?

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