Unable to delete measure(s) with "control delete"

• Sep 11, 2016 - 06:04
Reported version
S4 - Minor
by design

The development version 3.0-dev (82a79cb) is unable to delete a selected measure by "control"+"delete"


Status (old) active needs info

Ctlr + Del works just fine here with 82a79cb.
Could you elaborate the circumstances, what you are doing precisely and indicate what kind of score ? (to attach if necessary)

I can't say more: Open some score, select one or more measures in some line(s), and then try to delete the measures with Ctrl+Delete, but nothing happens.

One the other hand, this works fine on mscore-2.

I'm using a self compiled version (82a79cb, Fedora 24) based on the git tree.

But: the downloaded nightly build MuseScoreNightly-201609081024-master-82a79cb-x86_64.AppImage shows exactly the same behaviour.

Status (old) needs info by design

Check the shortcuts (or reset to factory defaults), IIRC the name of the shortcut for delete measure has changed, from "Delete selected measures" (Auswgewählte Takte löschen") to "Timewise delete" ("Zeitbasiertes Löschen")