3rd volta with repeat barline

• Sep 13, 2016 - 15:29

While playing the 3rd volta, playback does not seem to recognise the repeat barline, even though it does on the 1st volta. How can I make it work? Thanks in advance for consideration!

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volta.png 20.73 KB


Always better to attach the actual score, not just a picture. Presumably you have the volta properties or the repeat counts in the measure properties dialogs set incorrectly.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

How can I correct it? I mean, during the playback the 3rd volta is played as expected, but at the end of this volta, there is no repeat, despite the barline. The volta properties must be ok, because the order of the voltas is fine. Though, changing the repeat counts is not working, as it multiplies the repeats that are done during the 1st volta, doing none at the 3rd (I tried it like you suggested). What can I do about it?

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