An easier way to edit keyboard shortcuts?
Is there an easier way to edit the keyboard shortcuts and backup your definitions? is the shortcut definition saved to some kind of file?
It's very hard to make changes the way it is, because you have to manually go to key conflicts and delete them, there isn't an option to 'go to the conflict' or to assign the key even so. And then, you can't save or load your shortcuts and risk clicking on the 'reset to default' button.
The various global settings are indeed stored in a file (on Windows Vista, it's \Users\Name\AppData\Roaming\MusE\MuseScore.ini). It doesn't look particularly fun to edit that file by hand, either, but might be easier for your purposes?
In reply to The various global settings by Marc Sabatella
Yeah, thank you! not fun to edit by hand as you say, but at least I can edit the shortcuts in Musescore and then manually text-backup the [shortcuts] to a .txt file.
I got NOTION as my main composing tool now. Couldn't resist. But it's not such a good app to edit final scores and parts. But shortcuts are so radically different...