adding a note causes first measure of next system's whole rest to be left-justified.

• Oct 20, 2016 - 14:43

I noticed this in the past couple days while working on my own branch, and I noticed 4e0b0db windows nightly has this issue as well:


Just seeing if people are aware of this or not...seems to be from a recent commit.

Aside, I managed to do a few operations and press undo and ended up with two clefs on one later system, but I unfortunately don't remember the exact reproduction steps:



For the record, all whole rests are always left justified. Whole rests always last exactly four beats regardless of the time signature (well, OK, "n" beats in any time signature with "n" as the denominator). The thing you see that is normally centered is not a whole rest, it is a "full measure rest" - it lasts as long as the measure, regardless of the time signature. So, three beats in 3/4, seven beats in 7/4, etc.

Thanks for clarifying the terminology. So it sounds like for some reason musescore is treating what should be a "measure" rest instead as a "whole" rest on the starting tick.

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