Multiple Irish Tunes in a Set

• Oct 28, 2016 - 15:46

In Irish Traditional Music, tunes are often played as 3 tunes per "set", with each tune played 2 or 3 times before moving on to the next one. Which tunes comprise the set can vary.

To me, the best way to score these tunes and sets seems like it would be: one score per tune, then somehow combine the chosen tunes into a score for the set.

Having MuseScore play the entire set, each tune played 3 times, sounds fun & useful. But I'm really asking about how to make the printable score for the set, with 3 tunes on a page, tunes separated by a little space, and each tune having it's own title block.



This is what the Album feature is for - see the corresponding section of the Handbook. Go ahead and create each tune as a separate score with its own title, then create an album listing the scores you want, and create a joined score from them. You can then edit that to put the page breaks where you like if the defaults don't work for you.

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