How to play only a small part of the score ?

• Jan 12, 2012 - 14:04

I'm not a musician and I'm a Musescore newbie. Worst still English is not my first language, but I prefer posting my message here than on my language forum because there is a wider community.
I imported a long midi file and I would like to focus only on small parts of it a time, for example from beat 100 to 120.
I noticed I can play from a selected note but I don't know how to force Musescore to stop at the point I want.
It should be an interactive process so I don't want to make any changes to the score because, after some repeated plays I would like to move to another portion of the score, for example from beat 300 to 320.
Is there an easy way of doing it ?
Do I have to select the beats I'm interested in an copy them in new smaller scores ?



I don't know a way to select the stopping point before starting, but I assume you realize that space bar stops playback? There has been discussion of adding a "loop" feature at some point in the future that would allow you to specify a start and stop point for rehearsal purposes. Perhaps some future release will incorporate that.

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