Remove annotations from notes

• Jan 18, 2012 - 21:35

I'd like a simple way to strip all the dependent glyphs from a selection -- fingerings, annotation, etc. Doing this by mouse/delete is time consuming. (Or maybe there's already a way to do this that I haven't found?)


In reply to by robert leleu

> Perhaps exporting as MIDI and reimport ?

This would be a good idea for an entire score. However I was referring to editing efficiency for repetitive activities. This comment was under 'feature request' rather than looking for a workaround. I'm picturing the ideal user interface and making requests accordingly.

To explain why I want this: Many passages are very similar, so that simple cut/paste would be a big time saver IF I didn't have to remove all the little scruff I've attached to the source passage. Well, it's still faster to do it this way, but it can take quite a bit of effort if the passage has been heavily-fingered/annotated. It's great to be able to take an ascending run, paste it in a later measure, raise it or lower it by a few tones, and voila! the next phrase is done. Then I just need to remove the original fingering and put in the right stuff. This is more of an issue with the material I'm working on right now: exercises for students, with extensive annotation.

Now note I did NOT ask the system to adjust the fingering automatically when I raise a passage by a half tone! That will be in release 3.0 no doubt. :)

Closest thing right now would be to right click one of the fingers, the select all similar, then hit delete. But you'd have to do this once for each type of marking.

Long term, i see this playing with your suggestion that it should be possible to copy more than just notes and their markings. Really, there should be a way to control which items within a selected region get included in the selection - notes, articulations, chords, other text, etc. This should then affect copy/paste as well as delete, etc.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

> control which items within a selected region get included in the selection

Exactly. And the common cases need to require minimal keystrokes and mouse actions -- no trip to the options menu. I find I have to do these operations over and over. So we need either toolbar palettes (like for note duration) or keyboard shortcut mappings, and preferably both.

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