Unable to open ove files (on linux)

• Jan 22, 2012 - 09:11
S4 - Minor

when trying to open a ove file (created on win probably) I get an cli output
Note::setTpc: bad tpc 14
and musescore quit (after 1-2 second)

am I missing any dependency???

Please tell me if I can provide any other information~~


I am using Arch Linux and musescore is built from AUR this is the discription, including version, of it.

Name : musescore-svn
Version : 5240-1
URL : http://www.musescore.org/en/
Licenses : GPL
Groups : None
Provides : None
Depends On : qt qtwebkit libsndfile
Optional Deps : jack
Required By : None
Conflicts With : musescore mscore
Replaces : None
Installed Size : 83944.00 KiB
Packager : Unknown Packager
Architecture : x86_64
Build Date : Sun Jan 22 16:10:45 2012
Install Date : Sun Jan 22 16:12:27 2012
Install Reason : Explicitly installed
Install Script : Yes
Description : A music score editor - svn-version

~~~~very sorry for not including that ~~~(I am used to bug report sys that can detect version itself->basically in browser and built-in report systems~~)

I guess you're compiling source code trunk.
I don't have the same testing environment as you. And at my side, there is not error when I open your file on a Ubuntu 11.04 32bit version.
I'll update this when I can test it more...

Errr, Sure I am~~

Also, I am using 64it version (for sure -> x86_64) but I don't think this really matter~~

THX for fast reply. I will also try to figure out what the problem is when I have time (to do multiple compiling~~~)

~~Confirmed fixed,

THX VERY MUCH for really fast reply.

(yes, there are still some bug on char set and crashing or so, I will report those when I know more about them~~)