Staff Break

• Feb 9, 2012 - 22:20

Is there a way to do a staff break in Musescore? I see where it is possible to do a line break and page break, but I want to actually cause the staff to break after a given measure and begin a new staff on the same page.


Do you mean, continue the system on the same line, or on the next line? Either way, the answer is yes. If you want a break within the line, select the measure you want to come after the break, then hit Create->Measures->Insert Horizontal Frame. If you'd rather have the line break at that spot, click the frame and add a line break normally.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Well, that sort of achieves what I was looking for. I actually would like to set the measure where I want to break to be the final measure of the staff, and then begin a new staff below. With the horizontal (or vertical frame for that matter), the break happens. However, the next measure is a key change and is a different movement. When I specify the break, the staff begins on next line but the final line just above has just the start of the measure showing the key change.

In reply to by tbone_

Sounds like you are describing the courtesy key change. Those can be hidden individually via right click, or globally via the General Style options. Also, since your main goal is to create movements, do a search on that term to see a variety of threads goving various suggestions on how to do this, and for good news onvolving the eventual 2.0 release.

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