scoring any tune

• Dec 9, 2016 - 03:30

Is there a feature where I can have Musescore listen to an MP3 file and then score it automatically.
bryan getchell


It is possible to export a MuseScore file to MP3 format, but not to import an MP3 and have the program read it and produce notation.

I believe this can be done using .midi files, but I am not certain of the details. Perhaps one of the developers will see this and be able to provide a better answer.

My standard answer to this:

Technically speaking, that problem is about the same complexity as setting your phone int he middle of a crowded room and asking Siri to transcribe all the conversations going on at once. Basically, getting a usable result in any but the most simplistic of cases is *way* beyond where current technology is. If you search around, you will find utilities that can attempt to convert mp3 to MIDI and in so doing produce something MuseScore can import, but chances are the results will be pretty terrible. And even starting from a perfect MIDI file, unless the music is very simple, producing readable notation from it usually requires human interaction to decide on a lot of the subjective things that need to be decided upon.

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