Not everything is invisible

• Dec 10, 2016 - 00:45

If you make the selection voice 2 in measure 1 of the attached file and press shift-s to add staccato then v to make voice 2 invisible the staccato does not turn invisible. In fact, if you have all of a voice selected and make a change to it, the changes are not selected until you reselect the measure. It seems to me if you have voice 2 selected then any changes should be added to the selection.

I use this to silence the notes in voice 1 and make invisible what is sounded in voice 2, but it leaves things such as staccato and tremolos visible.


In reply to by mike320

An observation: in following your steps, the entering of the staccatos weren't automatically selected at first placement. Before pressing "v" to make invisible the notes and staccato marks, pressing Shift+Up-arrow to select the whole measure again (with voice-1 deselected in the selection options) selected them as well as the voice-2 notes so that the invisibility could be applied to all voice-2 elements. The same goes for other elements, e.g. a slur.

I seem to recall an issue about articulations. The gist of it is that the visibility of the articulation received the command twice; once because it was part of the segment/chord being made invisible and then once more because it was selected.
I *think* this is not the case if you were to perform the same selection, but then uncheck visible using the Inspector.

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