Paging through large scores

• Feb 22, 2012 - 19:51

I entered a 24 page score as a trial and find that once the page 'icons' at the bottom of the app go beyond the right margin the rectangular 'cursor' that allows one to align the score to the window is not acting properly.

The Home, End, Page Up and Page Down all act normally for the score pages in the editing window but the 'icon' display at the bottom does not change, only showing the first several pages. Therefore to do any positioning using that bar, one has to scroll with the rectangular cursor off the edge of the page until one reaches the desired position.

Possibly there should be a scroll bar to manipulate this better and/or to keep the visible pages 'on screen' during the keypress scrolling process.


The navigator display is somewhat limited in MS v1.x, esp with multi-page scores that exceed the navigator window. However, the navigator window under version 2.0 is substantially improved, with a scroll-bar.

Hopefully I've understood your issue.

In reply to by schepers

I would add that the Navigator *sometimes* works with longer scores, but it also often gets itself into situations where it doesn't. What normally happens is that scrolling the score using the keyboard or mouse wheel will not scroll the Navigator, but the page(s) viewed in the score display are shown the Navigator, you do see the blue rectangle. And if you drag the blue rectangle, it does update the score display. Dragging the rectangle off the edge of the Navigator will scroll the Navigator, too.

But sometimes (and I have no idea how to reproduce this), it gets into a state where the Navigator locks, and the rectangle does not appear when it should, and/or dragging it has no effect. I find closing and reopening the score usually fixes this, or failing that, restarting MuseScore.

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