
• Dec 31, 2016 - 16:16

Delete Selected ... / ... Split / Join, in version 2x under the Edit menu, are there still in version 3?


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In reply to by Isaac Weiss

Thanks Isaac, forgive me if I do the same question since last year, I try to rephrase it:
Which menu (or submenu) show the functions list
'Delete Selected Bars'
'Split Bar before Selected Notes'
'Join Selected Bars'
on Nightly 98e51d9?
(I understood how to get the changes)

In reply to by Shoichi

Also note that 'Join Selected Bars' requires one selection and one menu action to join up several bars. Having to delete those barlines - which are harder to select (even with similar within selection!) - seems less practical in the use case of joining more than 2 bars.

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