Edit Repeats
Have tried Editing the text in Repeats (To Coda, etc.) but it doesn;t happen.
I tried Edit, Save, then closed, then re-opened the file. Editing not happening.
I tried Saving, and Exit-ing MuseScore, then Opening again. Editing not happening.
Please read http://musescore.org/en/developers-handbook/how-write-good-bug-report-s…. there is not enough information for me to help you.
In reply to Please read by xavierjazz
Style > Edit Text Style > Repeat Text > select B (Bold) and I (Italics) > Apply (twice) > OK
Doesn't work.
Using Ver 1.2.
In reply to Edit Repeats by sunnisuz
Style settings don't affect existing text; only text not yet created. And the repeat text style is not used for any of the things you might expect it to be used for. You need to create the text *then* edit it directly (eg, double click, select all, click the B & I icons at the bottom of the screen).
In reply to Style settings don't affect by Marc Sabatella
Aaah. Now I get it.
I was not aware of the <"existing text; only text not yet created"> part.
Thank you so much for your help.