Removing unnesesary staffs

• Jan 25, 2017 - 10:01

I am arranging a piece for my choir, with Piano/solist+SA+TB in three staffs. Is it possible to remove the SA and TB staffs in the verses, as they only have rests anyway, without removing them from the chorus/rest of the song? That is currently only a waste of paperspace and ink, and the first verse only is currently over one and a half page and I know I can get it to half a page if i can remove the two other staffs from those brackets. This is also my first time using musecore or starting any kind of forum tread, so I'm sorry if this isn't in the right forum.


Under the Style menu select General.... The dialog will have some options to hide staves and Don't hide staves in first system (which will be enabled once you select Hide Staves). You will then want to manually format the pages by inserting line breaks from the Breaks and spacers palette to set up the pages so they look nice. Each line will hide a staff that does not have notes in it. Make sure you have show invisible under the view menu while entering line breaks so you can see them.

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