One Name, Two Staves

• Jan 26, 2017 - 01:33

Is there a way to have Violins written in between two violin staves instead of having Violin 1 and then Violin 2? Like this:



The only way to do this is to make an instrument for violin(s) then in the instrument window, click the violin you made and select add staff (not linked staff). The two will work like a piano staff and you will have the change the clef on the second to treble (just drag it to the first measure).

If you want like my image for the Oboe, select a measure of the staff, right click, staff-propietis, in the window instrument name, simply push the enter touch , I have pushed 3 times, and apply, the name Oboe go down 3 lignes (sorry for my English) Oboe.png

In reply to by Raymond Wicquart

@ Raymond I forgot about that. You would of course want to go to the next line and remove the instrument name and fix the short instrument name in the same manner. The main problem with your solution is that if a spacer is placed between the first and second line for a page, the user will have to make another workaround for that situation, which is doable but a bit more complex.

In reply to by Jm6stringer

If you use hide empty staves this will actually also be problematic because any line that has no Violin I music but has another violin with music will have no name listed next to it. You can either use staff text and position it where it should be or select the first violin line and check never hide staff. It will always show the Violin I line, but it will also show the instrument short name automatically.

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