Multiple "sub-scores"

• May 21, 2012 - 08:27

Typesetting music for country / folk dance
A typical set may use several tunes in different keys

If they were all one key it would be easy, but how do I change the key
within what the software sees as a single piece of music?

What I want is to be able to put multiple tunes (after all they're just melody lines with chord names) on a single sheet -- this saves page turning and is a big plus.

I've tried exporting graphics and pasting it into a word processor -- but there is a loss of quality that I'd like to avoid.




Just drag the desired key (from the key signature palette) into the measure where it should start taking effect untill thet measure highlights, then let go..

You could separate the different tunes by a line break (from the breaks and spacer palette) or a vertical frame (menu -> create -> measures -> insert vertical frame).
You'd probably want to not show courtesy accidentials (menu -> style -> edit generat style... -> page -> create courtesy key signature) and naturals (right click on signature -> hide naturals) and may want to restart the measure cound for each of the sections (right click on measure -> measure properties -> add to measure number).

The next version will make this easier by having a "section break"

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I had tried a couple of things before posting, just not that. I only later worked out how to drag key signatures. I've been turning off the measure counts generally -- I do use rehearsal marks to mark the "A" & "B" parts as required. When most tunes are no more than 16-32 bars, the numbering is a bit superfluous. Dropping numbers makes it a little less cluttered.

Thanks again,


BTW, there is no need for loss of quality when exporting graphics to import into a word processor. I believe perhaps the default for PNG export might be on the low side (100dpi?), but that can be changed. If you use the very nice Snippet Creator plugin (see Plugins menu at right), it looks like you could just edit the resolution to be whatever you want. Or, could export PDF files instead of PNG.

Not that using the techniques discussed above for putting several tunes on one page doesn't work too, and it can have advantages if you know you'll always want them grouped and ordered that way. Like movements of a suite that are always meant to be taken together. But for a general songbook collection, I would think individual PNG or PDF files would be preferable, as you could then re-assemble them in whatever order you want, allow new pieces to be inserted, etc.

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