Multi-Piece Support

• Jun 11, 2012 - 20:09

MuseScore currently treats a file as a single piece, so that other software is needed to piece different pieces together as one large printable PDF or PS.

CURRENT BEHAVIOUR: Titles, copyright information, and page number placement are all implemented so that each individual *.mscz piece is only one work. Copyright cannot change between pieces, and cannot be displayed on only select pages, and elements such as the Title are applied to the entire piece.

CURRENT WORKAROUND: By making liberal use of text frames and page breaks, one can manually change page numbers and copyright placement.

DESIRED BEHAVIOUR: Options to create the start of a new piece with its own copyright, title, composer, and so on. One should also be able to choose which pages elements such as page numbers and copyright are shown. An option to insert a table of contents and front page would also be very good.


(This is one of 8 features I am suggesting concerning printing/layout in MuseScore, with publishing houses' standards in mind. The score out of 10 is how badly I feel this feature is lacking.)


Good calls! Seems the new section break in 2.0 break is probably the mechanism through which this kind of thing could/should be implemented. It seems like a step in this direction already, but while I haven't explored its capabilities, I don't think it allows for as much as what as you are suggesting.

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Not quite what I'd need, as it just puts them together page wise, but would not fill emty space in page with stuff from the next one. I'd need to to generate a flyer containing all the songs needed during the church service, and that fly has to be as short as possible (to save printing costs and paper)

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