System Text in middle of a bar will cause parts to break MMRests at the start of that measure, but won't include the system text

• Feb 13, 2017 - 18:57

In the attached score, there is System Text of "rit" in the middle of meas 2.


But the Horn part won't display that system text:


What would have been a 3-measure MMRest has been broken apart at start of meas 2 due to the presence of the system text "rit". But this is a pointless breakup, because the system text doesn't get displayed in the part since the entire measure is collapsed into the MMrest.

I say that any system text inside a middle of a measure should cause all parts to display that measure as a regular (non-MMRest) measure. Only measures before and after that measure containing system text should be allowed to be allowed to collapse. I consider this a bug.

I notice this behavior in 2.0.3, and 2.1.0 (23b060d), and 3.0-dev (bfebf95b6)

Attachment Size
system-text-middle-bar-score.mscz 8.36 KB


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