Extracting examples for a book

• Jul 31, 2012 - 20:22

I am writing a method book and want to use MuseScore to write the musical examples. I have not yet figured out how to copy and paste say a 4 measure example from MuseScore into a Word document or some other processor. I'm sure there is a way to select the example and copy it almost as a picture and then paste it in a Word document. Any help on this would be appreciated! Thanks!


No direct copy and paste facility yet (something along those lines is coming in the next major version, whenever that turns out to be). But you can export your score as a graphic file import and import it into your favorite word processor, and plugins and other utilities exist to help automate this process, including the cropping of your score. See in particular this facility I just developed for managing the insertion of examples into LibreOffice / OpenOffice (open source Word alternatives) documents:


In reply to by Marc Sabatella

You may like to use screenshot, Insert>screenshot>screen clipping. You can then highlight the part of the page you want to see and copy it into a word page (I am using word 2010). It will show all the various formatting bits that you would not normally see when printing, you could correct this by copying into the paint program, erasing what you don't want and copy and pasting back to the word page.

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