Drumset palette doesn't appear when not in Note Entry

• Aug 21, 2012 - 11:56
S4 - Minor

1. Create drum score.
2. Click on rest.

Result: Drumset palette doesn't appear.

Using MuseScore 2.0 Nightly Build (846d8f3) - Mac 10.7.4.


Title Drumset palette doesn't appear Drumset palette doesn't appear when not in Note Entry

Yes, you're right.

However, I think before, the drum palette may have come up?

If you click on a drum note, the palette doesn't appear.

I have edited the title to reflect this

Using MuseScore 2.0 Nightly Build (f5bed11) - Mac 10.7.4.

This may actually be a matter of design.

It may not be necessary to have the drum palette when not in 'Note Entry'.

If you need to adjust a note's value or pitch, you can use your keyboard.

If you need to see and listen to what drums you have in the palette, you can enable 'Note Entry'.

What do others think?