The desirable functions

• Mar 15, 2017 - 20:27

Sorry for my terrible English.
I really appreciate your tribute on the MuseScore.
The design is so clear and look so good, further all features are so good.
I didn't tested it all, but I found those kind of features are lacked.

1. I want to show or to hide some staffs. I want simple screen when I make/modify the score.
For example, a score has 10 staves, and I want to see only two staves. Of course, the other hidden staves need to play together when I play the score.

2. I like to transpose some staff for the instruments those have different key's.
For Alto Saxophone have to display minor 3 key lower to match the pitch with other instruments.
In score the key signature is C, but the alto saxophone part has to be shown as A.
It means that some specific staves need to be transpose for fitting with the instruments.

On the attachment, Alto Sax part was transposed 3 minor down, but on the staff option, it shows the alto sax is Eb key instrument. So although, on sheet, it's pitch is C, but while playing the score, it plays 3 minor higher pitch Eb.

If the functions are added, it will be almost perfect notation program.

I really admire your efforts and service.

Thank you.


Attachment Size
Encore.png 37.77 KB


Thanks for your comments! I fear the language barrier may be interfering a bit here, but I will try to answer as best as I can based on what I understand you to be asking:

1) Maybe you are talking about extracting parts from a score? See File / Parts, and/or read the Handbook under "Part extraction". If that's not what you mean, could you explain in more detail?

2) MuseScore already handles transposition correctly for the various different instruments. If you mean, you wish to change mid-score from one instrument to another, and have the transposition change automatically, you will be happy to hear this is implemented for 2.1 which will be released soon. You can already try the nightly builds for 2.1 via the Downloads link in the menu at right.

3) You can use any soundfont you like, see the Handbook under Soundfont. Or if you have some external program or device that can communication via MIDI, you can configure MuseScore to output via JACK.

I believe you want to hide some staves. Open the Instruments dialog pressing i and to the right of the instrument name is a check box. If there is no check you cannot see the instrument.

The hidden instrument will still be there. It will play when you play the score.

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