Horizontal Frame - I am unable to put notes in the measure immediately before the horizontal frame.

• Sep 16, 2012 - 03:49

I created a coda in a piano score using a horizontal frame. In the measure immediately before the horizontal frame (the measure has a repeat sign), I am unable to put any notes into the bass clef. Currently there is only a whole rest in the bass clef of this measure. When I try to put notes into the bass clef of this same measure, the notes jump to the first measure following the horizontal frame. There are already notes in the treble clef. I am using version 1.2 and Windows 7.


Hi, if I understand correctly, it's something like the example I've attached. If you try to add a note using your mouse, it doesn't work because it jumps to the next measure. Try to use the keyboard. Go with the arrows to the measure before the frame and add the notes you want using the Letters on the keyboard (A, B, C, D, E, F, G). Not clicking with the mouse.


Attachment Size
Example.mscz 1.57 KB

In reply to by midi2sheet

Thank you so much! I was able to use the right arrow to get to the measure immediately preceding the horizontal frame, and then type in the note I needed with the keyboard. Then I was able to use the menu Notes - Add Interval to add another note above the first note.

In reply to by midi2sheet

Seems like a bug that mouse entry doesn't work in that case (and it seems it is already fixed in 2.0), but if this serves as an incentive for you to start using the mich more efficient keyboard entry, so much the better. Note also that keyboard works for adding notes to chords, too - shift+letter adds that note to the current chord. No need to keep clicking through menus.

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