Creating Midi file from a compositon

• Sep 22, 2012 - 08:41

I'm wondering how to go about this, to put in an email to a friend who uses Sibelius software.


"MIDI (*.mid, *.midi, *.kar)
Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) is a format widely supported by sequencers and music notation software. However, MIDI files are designed for playback, and not score layout. Therefore, they do not contain information about formatting, pitch spelling, voicing, ornaments, articulations, repeats, or key signatures, among other things. To share files between different music notation software, use MusicXML. If you are only interested in playback, use MIDI."

Can I just reiterate that MIDI is not suitable for the transfer of files between notation editors.

MIDI is a stream of performance data, and lacks the means to transfer score graphics such as dynamics, tempo markings, slurs and phrasing.

You should only use it as a last resort, and then expect to do a lot of cleaning up after the process.

MusicXML is by far the best format for transferring scores between notation editors

Sibelius has had MusicXML import support since version 4 so you should be ok with this, however, you may find your friend needs to purchase the Dolet plugin if he wishes to export MusicXML files for you, depending on which version he has.


In reply to by AmandaWitt_

MusicXML would still probably be better if he wants to hear it played, as it would would give Sibelius a better chance of using its own playback features to improve playback. That is, by exporting it as MusicXML, there's a good chance it will sounds as good as or better than it did for you. If you export as MIDI, there is a good chance it will sound worse. If you want it to sound exactly the same, then I wouldn't use either MusicXML or MIDI, but would instead simply export an audio file (WAV, which you can then convert to MP3 to compress it; or FLAC which is already compressed).

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