Uploading videos to https://www.musescore.org

• Mar 27, 2017 - 06:06

There is not allowed to upload video format! You can not show exactly what you want with screenshots. The best way for me is with screen record, which I will upload and show them included in the text. It can be easier to upload it directly. Also, the maximum upload size is only 2 MB. If we will upload videos (some of them could be even 50GB) Can the moderators make the size bigger - at least 50MB?

Attachment Size
2017-03-27_08h04_57.png 10.49 KB


You can upload a video to Youtube or other video hosting provider and share a link on MuseScore.org. MuseScore.org is not a video hosting platform.

Alternatively use something like Licecap or other screencasting software which exports to .gif. The resulting gif can be uploaded on musescore.org and added inline in the post.

In reply to by Atanas1223

If you are showing us a video asking us how to do something you are showing us how you do not want to do it. If your score is giving you a problem, someone probably needs to look deeper into the score than you do to see what the problem is. A video helps with none of this.

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