Zerberus synthesizer fails to load Sonatina samples on linux because folder names are capitalized

• Apr 4, 2017 - 09:54

For instance in the "Brass - Bass Trombone Solo.sfz" file, you will see lines like:

sample=samples\bass trombone\bass_trombone-e1.wav

Now on my arch linux mate x86-64 machine, these Sonatina samples will fail to load with messages like:

Sample::read: open /home/e/Documents/MuseScoreDevelopment/Soundfonts/Sonatina Symphonic Orchestra//Samples/bass trombone/bass_trombone_e1.wav failed

But then magically if I open the soundfont folder in file manager and change those folder directories names to be uncapitalized, then when I reboot musescore, they load.

Can anyone else confirm on linux? (I believe windows works fine because windows doesn't care about capitalization as much as unix does)?


Windows filesystems are case preserving, but otherwise case insensitive (so you can have "filename" or "FileName", but not both at the same time), Linux filesystems are case sensitive so you can have "filename" and "FileName", at the same time), and I believe same is true for Mac

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I don't know what you mean by "...SF2.zip, not SFZ ???". Inside sonatina-symphonic-orchestra-1.0.zip you will see folder named "Sonatina Symphonic Orchestra" and inside that are a bunch of .sfz files each containing a list of associated samples. So I do mean SFZ.

>> Anyway, I don't think we own that soundfont, so better don't change it.

But that file is hosted on musescore org's controlled server. I don't think making lowercase constitutes a significant "change". Anyway, musescore's handbook page for soundfont points directly to this soundfont.

>> OTH generating all permutations of upper and lowercase is not feasible either.

yeah. I was presuming there would be some Qt function for this (but I've never checked).

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Oh sorry you're right, thanks for clarifying! So that zerberus is not on musescore's control.

So back to the question, if we can't change the file, should we change the musescore zerberus soundfont loading code to also check for Capitalized? Or should we write to the controller of that site and encourage them to have the directory & file names in the .sfz to be of same capitalization as the directories are stored in the zip?

In reply to by ericfontainejazz

Looking at that site it seems there has nothing been done to that SFZ since more 6 years, so I guess the chances to get it fixed there are virtually non-existent?
Special casing just for that one SFZ, to "Title Case" all directory names, and only if the names lietes in the SFZgives an error on load, seems like a pretty bad hack to me.
Maybe we could grab, modify and host that SFZ ourselfes?

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