appending measures

• Apr 5, 2017 - 16:45

Stumped and need some help! Tried to append additional measures to end of score I'm working on; result is I get a SINGLE measure with block-out and # of measures I've added (ex: 12). Does NOT expand the score! Toggled between page view and continuous - no help. Tried inserting measures instead; same outcome as above. Have I inadvertently clicked something I shouldn't that somehow limits score to fixed # of measures?


What you are describing is a multimeasure rest. These would normally be used in the indvidual parts but not in the full score. If you have inadvertently turned them on in the score, you can turn them off by pressing "M" (or Style / General / Create multimeasure rests). That's also how you would temporarily turn them off in the parts if you were planning on entering notes that way.

If you need more help, please attach your score and we can offer more specific help.

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