Alignment of Lyrics

• Oct 25, 2012 - 00:43

I am having a problem trying to figure out how to align my lyrics properly with a certain note.

In this particular situation, there is a melody that occurs, and on one particular note a whole pile of words are sung in succession to a tempo that is simply determined by those singing: creating a single note for each syllable would make the song really choppy and not make this section flow well.

My problem is that when I create this note and assign lyrics to it, all the lyrics want to CENTER under the note. I'd like the note to align above the first letter in the lyrics, and the rest of the lyrics to keep flowing until the next note pops up. No matter what I do, nothing seems to change this. I even specifically hit the "left justification" button for the lyrics text, and still nothing happens. How do I change this?



Not really an answer, but if I were you, I'd investigate the possibility of using staff text or something else instead of lyrics. Or, maybe planting some fake invisible notes and attaching the lyrics to those. Seeng a picture of what your are trying to do might help us come up with other suggestions.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

The fake invisible note is a brilliant idea. That would totally work.

Just imagine a note with 10 words attached to it, where the first word is aligned with the note, and then the words run along a line with no note above them. The phrase finishes with the next note that would show up, which would have its own note.

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