dragging notes horizontally

• Oct 25, 2012 - 23:33

I'm very new to the program but there doesn't seem to be any way to drag a note horizontally. Wouldn't this be extremely useful? If I enter a note and misplace it I find there is, for example a quaver rest before it that I don't want but I can't delete it and I can't drag the note to the correct place. If this CAN be done I'd appreciate someone telling me because at the moment I have to delete the notes and re enter them.


First, you can "drag" notes - double click then use the arrows - but that is definitely *not* what you want. This changes only the physical position on the page, not the *musical* position. You want to actually change the beat the note is played on. This won't be accomplished by any form of drag. But you can do it by cut & paste. Or, youy can simply type the new note where it belongs. No need to delete anything first - MuseScore is in "overtype" mode, so you can simply type new notes and they replace whatever was there before, no need to delete the old stuff first. Takes a minute to get used to this way of working, but it ends up being quite efficient.

So, if you have a note on beat 2 that you'd rather have on beat 1, click the note on 2, hit ctrl-X, then click the rest on one and hit ctrl-V. Or simply click the rest then type the letter name of the note you want to appear there.

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