Countdown and simple looping

• Oct 30, 2012 - 05:59

How about count down and simple looping. I think it's very important.

For example: count down and looping in GuitarPro, Cubase, Reaper. (Not TuxGuitar, please!)


A very good idea which I would support.

Please bear in mind, however, that there are still issues with producing the notation to resolve, and development team policy is such that these take precedence over playback issues and features.

Having said that, we will have a metronome in 2.0 when it arrives, and the development team are aware that people use MuseScore for rehearsals and practice.

Maybe we could get this proposal into the feature list for the next major release after 2.0 if there is enough support.

There is currently a proposal to add a Goto function which would use rehearsal marks to quickly navigate to places in the score - maybe a looping system could be combined with that?

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