Musescore Lagging

• Apr 14, 2017 - 21:21

Hi. I am having an issue with musescore where during playback anything at moderate to fast speed (8th notes and above) sound out of time and delayed. I have looked online and found bug fixes but none have worked and most were outdated. Heres a link to an unlisted youtube video of the problem in action: . If it would make things easier I could also post the mscz file aswell.

I am running windows 10
I have also attached a screenshot of all my other specs

EDIT: The problem is the shaky rhythm which should sound like straight eight notes but doesn't. Muse score wast always like this I made that score when muse score worked fine. I just turned muse score on one day and this happened

Attachment Size
qwertyuiop.PNG 10.26 KB


You *can* post the MSCZ file - just click the "File attachments"link right below where you type your post. I'd recommend doing this. As it is, it kind of sounds like you have swing playback turned on but it is somehow doing things very badly. Or maybe the ontime offsets have been messed with in the Pianoroll Editor. We'd need to see the score to say for sure. But it doesn't sound like a computer / resource problem to me.

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