
• Apr 14, 2017 - 22:38

I have been trying to add soundfonts to musescore. After downloading and click to open with Musescore, dialogue box says doesn't recognize file. This happens even with the ones I took right from musescore handbook pages. Any idea what I am doing wrong? Thanks. Rob.


I think you are approaching the issue incorrectly.
1st, make sure your new soundfont is present in the soundfont folder under Documents/Musescore2 (for Windows; maybe different for other operating systems.)
Then, Open Musescore and open a score. From the top menu select View/Synthesizer.
In the Synthesizer, add the new soundfont. You may want to save as default or save to score.
Exit the synthesizer.
Open the Mixer (F10). The instruments of the new soundfont should be available in the dropdown box associated with each instrument of the score.
Hope this helps,

My guess is you downloaded a compressed version of the soundfont, and you need to uncompress it before using it. If it doesn't end in ".sf2", ".sf3", or "sf3", it's not ready for use yet. Which soundfont are you trying to use?

You can indeed also download them to your Soundfonts folder and open them directly from within MuseScore via View / Synthesizer. But this will also require them to be uncompressed first.

In reply to by jeetee

To be clear: double click *from within your OS's file manager" (eg, Windows Explorer, or Finder) will load it into MuseScore. No way to load it via the File menu from within MuseScore, only View / Synthesizer. Allowing a soundfont to be loaded from File / Open isn't a bad idea, not sure what issues might arise but it seems logical enough at first glance.

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