If I email score to friend, what program/s would allow them to open and play?

• Apr 15, 2017 - 01:42

I'm writing song for worship team, including some vocals, bass and piano. I'd like my members to be able to listen to my score from their own computers. Do they need to download MuseScore to their own computers? What program would one need to be able to open the score? What program could play the score?


MuseScore is the least expensive option to get everyone being able to play the song. If everyone has other notation software that can import musicXML files, then you can export them to musicXML files and send the files to them. Most notation software can handle musicXML. It would be best to ask the others if they already have a program. You could of course send everyone musicXML and then most everyone including MuseScore users could play it. If they can't play musicXML they need to download MuseScore.

I take it that you want them to be able to read the music as it plays. If you only want then to hear it, then you can export it to a midi or wav file and they should be able to play it on their computer.

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