
• Apr 18, 2017 - 13:37

Dear Sir,
I need your advice on staves.
Please see an Attachment.
My questions are following:
1.How to make shown staves?
2.How I can add more similar staves (A and B) if I need?
3.How I can delete extra staves after I finish the score?

Thank you.
Best regards,

Attachment Size
Help8AStaff.png 75.5 KB


Well, you don't make staves, you add instruments. See… and…

What you show with A looks like a Piano, which has 2 staves. Could be an organ or some other keyboard instrument, or a Marimba too.
What you shown in B could be about anything, any Instrument.

Most probably you don't really want to delete staves after you finished your score, as that would (at least partly) destroy what you just entered. You mey want to hide empty staves though, and MuseScore does indeed allow for this. See…. If you really want to detele an Instrument, see…

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Dear Sir,

First of all I am really sorry about my mistake with “threads”.I did not see
a link “reply”,that would make you easier to help me and for me continue
my questions on staves.Really sorry.
Now I think it will be easier for everybody.

Please see at Attachment what I have after going through for making right staves that I need.
The sequence that I used for to get score:
1.Create new score.
2.Choose instruments

I do not know how:
1.To delete barlines on left (red color) and 2nd piano stave that to have only voice staves.
2.How make less distance (green color) between staves.
3.If I will need more voice staves to this score,how I can do it?
4.Is it possible when going through “Create new score” not to have Barlines between
different staves?
Please inform me what was done wrong when I try to have the score which I need.
Thank you.

Attachment Size
Help8A3.png 69.95 KB

In reply to by MarkUSA

The only way to make the first barline disappear is to hide it. Click it and press V. As far as the piano is concerned, do you want it to still play but be hidden, or deleted? In either case press I to open the instruments dialog. It hide it uncheck the visible box. To delete it, click the name of the instrument and click the remove button. Then press OK.

The distance between the systems and staves is controlled in the Style->General... dialog. Click the word page and adjust the Staff distance and Max system distance.

In reply to by mike320

Dear Mr.Mike,
Thank you very much for your advices. I am really glad that I am in contact with professional person who knows subject and provides steps that easy to use.
I am sending 2 files: Help8A4StaffOriginalScore and Help8A4StaffMusescore(this is not music,I just tried Musescore software to get as close I need to my staves view.Also,you can see Original score looks not nice and I want use Musescore to make nice).
You can see how close I came that I want but still have problems and I think that now it will be easier to help me.
I deleted the first barline (voice,piano and 2voices ) but I cannot add barlines to each staff separately
as I showed in green color on left.
Also,I cannot make the right endings as I shown in green.I tried Barlines fixture but it does not help me.
As soon I add Barline all 3 barlines becoming the same and it does allows to make the last one as double line as End of score.Please advice.
Thank you for fixture Hide empty staves,works perfect and it did helped me to make what I have now.
I have also a question concerning I fixture.
As soon I showed at I my case Voice and Piano it repeats all time Piano instrument,is it possible to have it once at the beginning and after all time Voices (to this inside I fixture,second Piano staff was deleted when I finished score and it was delete via Hide empty staves but maybe I can do it when I use I fixture so it will make easier).
Best regards,

Attachment Size
Help8A4StaffOriginalScore.png 213.31 KB
Help8A4StaffMusescore.png 98.01 KB

In reply to by MarkUSA

Create score with voice and piano, add system breaks as wanted, right click voice staff/Staff properties, there tick 'Never hide', OK (that was only needed because I was too lazy to enter all the notes), enter notes in Piano, tick Style/General/Score/Hide empty staves, OK

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Dear Jojo (I did not write Mrs/Mr. because I do not know what gender this name),

Once again,thank you for score that you made.I tried to make myself this score and still have
problem.At Attachment you can see Help8AStaff what was done by me.
I need your advice how to add just Voices as you did -

Also,can you advice how to add this score to Templates so in future I can use it.

Thank you.
Best regards,


Attachment Size
Help8A5Staff.png 71.68 KB

In reply to by MarkUSA

This is what "Hide empty staves" does. Simply add the notes to your score normally - adding the melody notes to the vocal staff, the piano notes to the piano staff. When you are all done entering notes, go to Style / General and turn on the "Hide empty staves" option. If you use Jojo's score and go to Style / General, you will see that he already turned that option on. Turn it off to see how the score should look when you are entering notes.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Dear Mr.Marc Sabatella,

Thank you very much for explanation.I understood an idea of Hide empty staves that clears all not used staves.Good done!!!
By coincidence I delete one voice staff,how I can add it?

Is it possible to add one voice between existing voice staves or add at the end of existing last staff?

Can I add another combination of voice and piano and fill only voice as it was done by Jojo?
Please inform how to do in both cases.

Also,can I make the Template of this score and add it to Templates that exist in your software choice of Templates?

Once again,thank you for your assistance and understanding.
Best regards,


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Hi Mr.Jojo,

I still have problem.
Please see 2 Attachments: Help8A6 and Help8A7.
The first one is what score I have and second opened Instruments (I).You can see in it
2 - Voice and Piano.
Now,what should I add to get measure starting with number 41 (only voice).
For to do what you will tell me,what should be status of Hide empty staves,marked or none marked?
Please inform all steps.
You mentioned that it is possible,to make Template,what should I do for this?
Thank you.
Best regards,

Attachment Size
Help8A6Staff.png 101.08 KB
Help8A7Staff.png 76.51 KB

In reply to by MarkUSA

Again, it is much better to attach the actual score rather than just a picture of it. But it sounds like you are asking how to add more measures? Go to Add / Measures. It will add more measures, which will of course start out empty. You will need to turn off "Hide empty staves" first, though, or the measures you add won't show up. Again, you need to wait until you are *done* entering notes before turning that option on.

As for templates, as I said before, you don't need to do that - MuseScore already provides one that does exactly this (Voice + Piano). Use that tempalte, enter your notes, then turn on Hide empty staves.

In reply to by MarkUSA

You already have exactly the number of staves you need, do not add any more. You have two instruments - one has one staff, the other two - exactly as it should be.

Just add measures, and MuseScore will automatically create as many systems (groups of three staves) as your score needs. Again, then you add then notes, and then, when you are all done entering notes, turn on Hide empty staves.

You can indeed make a template of this, but you don't need to - there is already a template for this. It's called "Voice + Piano", and you can find it in the "Choral" section. Again, it shows all three staves for all systems, because that is how you need to do things. You start with all the staves you need, then add your notes. And then *after* you have added your notes, you turn on "Hide empty staves". Only the staves you are actually using will remain.

In reply to by MarkUSA

Again, you have created your score incorrectly. The score you are trying to copy has only two instruments: a melody instrument, and piano accompaniment. You created a score with *four* instruments. That will not work, and no amount of trying to delete barlines will make it work. You need to delete the extra instruments and get back to having only two instruments: a melody instrument and piano, just as shown in your original picture. The notes you added to those extra instrument should have been added to the melody staff.

So what you need to do to fix this is:

1) select the notes you incorrectly added to the instruments below the piano
2) cut and paste them to the melody staff
3) go to Edit / Instruments and remove those extra instruments

At this point, you should have two instruments: a melody instrument (one staff) and piano (two staves_. The staff for the melody instrument will be empty on the first line of music, and the staves for the piano will be empty on the staves after that.

Once you have gotten to that point, *then* you turn on Hide empty staves, and the reuslt will look exactly as it should.

In reply to by MarkUSA

Again, the problem is that you create the score incorrectly. You don't fix that mistake by hiding barliens, you fix it by going back and making sure you have the correct number of staves. Your first picture shows a score for only instrument, your second picture shows what appears to be a score for three instruments, so it isn't clear what you really want. Better to post your actual score, not just a picture of it, and also describe what you actually are trying to do. Is your music for one instrument, two instruments, three instruments, or what?

Once you have created your score for the correct number of instruments, then you add your notes, and then you go to Style / General / Hide empty staves, and the empty staves disappear automatically.

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