Problem with "Cut Common time"

• Nov 19, 2012 - 14:44

I am not very good at music but I am trying to make a decent copy of a piece of hand written music. I have used the program before on a number occasions without trouble, but this has got me stumped. On setting up the entry page I can only enter the numerical symbols i.e.4/4 but when I try to enter cut common from the drop down menu, by dragging and dropping over the numerical timing, It totally upsets my start up point.
Maybe even the music is wrong but I would appreciate any help. Regards Carper


Hard to say without seeing the score. Normally, if your piece is in 4/4 time and you then drop the cut time symbol directly over the first bar - which is what I assume you are doing - it should work fine. When you talk about messing up the start point, I'm guessing you either aren't dropping it to the first measure, or you have a pickup measure, or something. Again, seeing the score, and exact steps to reproduce, would help.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

The fact that 2/2 reports as 4./4 has been reported before. As you say, mathematically the same, and nothing different as far as MuseScore is concerned - currently. The only difference I'd expect is that tempo markings should ideally be by "beat" rather than by "quarter note", and if/when that ever happens, the difference between 2/2 and 4/4 would become significant. And if automated playback of chord symbols or any other auto-accompaniment features were were ever added, 2/2 and 4/4 should probably produce different results.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Beaming rules are subjective enough that I couldn't see why MuseScore should change its behavior between 4/4 and 2/2. The aspects of beaming rules that are not subjective would definitely not change; only perhaps the defaults for to beam a measure full of eighth notes might (in groups of 2's, 4's, or 8's) - but I doubt you'd get any three random people to agree on what the defaults should be.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks for your replies. Perhaps I have not been specific enough in my explanation. The music is obviously in 4/4 time and the time signature is shown as cut common time. As the time signature has to be set, I enter 4/4 and the pick up note is
1/8th. When I move to the first page of the score, the set up is correct with the time signature 4/4 and the pick up note is in the correct place and the correct value. When I drag and drop the cut common symbol over the 4/4 symbol, the 4/4 symbol is cancelled and replaced with the cut common symbol as in the score I am trying to copy The value of the pickup note is shown correctly but my real problem now is that there are now rests instead of the bar line, It therefore means that when I enter my next note it is in the same bar instead of the next bar I Hope this is now clearer. Carper

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