More tutorials!

• Nov 22, 2012 - 22:27

It would be great to have some videos that are just somebody entering a score. Depending on the score, I bet there would be ample opportunity to demonstrate many things that people are having trouble with. For instance, I just tried to figure out how to add a leading rest with a dot to a measure. (No success doing that so far.) I searched on "inserting rests" and other topics in the forums, but got nothing addressing this issue. If I could just watch someone else enter an entire score, I'm sure this and many other questions could be answered a bit more painlessly than current methods.


Adding a rest, leading or not, with a dot:
select note imput mode (or hit "N"), select the note value (or hit "1"-"9"), select the dot (or hit "."), select the quarter rest sign and click onto the desired place in the score (or, if the the curser is in the right place, just hit "0"). That's it.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

In other words, entering a rest is *exactly* the same as entering a note, except instead of entering a pitch, you press 0 (or click the rest icon). Either way, first select the duration, then enter the note/rest. The same for rests or notes beginning a measure as anywhere else in the measure.

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