Please can anyone help me unbug a file?

• Apr 27, 2017 - 17:18

Any help would be so much appreciated... If I had time I would do research and try to fix this myself but I've been working on a score and need to take it to a rehearsal in 2 hrs and suddenly Musescore is saying can't open the file , bad format. (XML read error) Anyone know how to fix these?
(File attached)

Attachment Size
Joseph_Megamix v1.mscz 29.85 KB


You caused a corruption due to a bug in MuseScore. In the Volta in measure 80 you typed 1 & 2 and MuseScore did not change it to the proper code (which it should have). This seems to be fixed in version 2.1 which was released today.

Attachment Size
Joseph_Megamix v1.mscx 342.11 KB

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