Double Repeat Signs

• Dec 27, 2012 - 08:54

Is it possible to merge (see attachment) the two measures (like 2 and 3) with the repeat signs (4 and 5) to look like measures (6 and 7) or is there a double repeat sign available that I may not know of...?

Attachment Size
Double Repeat Signs.mscz 2.28 KB


I do not understand the need for these at all.

Repeat and double repeat signs were a product of a notation era before notation software was invented and were purely a means of not having to write out repeated bars, thus saving time for the copyist.

Now we have notation software we have copy & paste, thus making these signs redundant.

In reply to by ChurchOrganist

I do not understand your response, I am learning notes from a notebook published in 1995 and you are calling it “an era before notation software was invent”...??? Making these signs redundant in Musescore is limiting Musescore to improve or not on a past era. My reason for asking was I did not want to have to use two measures for two repeat signs adjacent to one another! But rather having an option, that I could simply click onto “style” and then “edit general style” and create Multiple Repeat Measures... a similar affect like creating multiple rests into one measure. I can simply Hope you will change your mind and make us more contented. :)

In reply to by Rita Lions

When I wrote by hand, I often used the 2 slashes with dote and a number over them to repeat a few bars. I found it very useful as one can shorten the length of the score by these shortcuts. I requested this facility quite a long time ago, and there was a number of others who also asked for it, but it went nowhere. I still think it would be very useful.

In reply to by Rita Lions

You misunderstand.

MuseScore is open source.

I am just part of the community my views hold no more or less weight than yours.

In 1995 notation software was in its infancy, and both little known about and and very primitive. The Windows operating system was only just starting to take hold of the PC world. Music publishers were certainly not using notation software as a matter of course. At the time there was only Sibelius and Finale, both in a far more primitive state than they are now.

But FWIW the double repeat sign is not regarded as standard notation by the authorities on this subject. I suspect that it appeared in the Fake Book series beginning to appear round about that time, and having many deviations (some questionable) from standard notation - the omission of clefs and key signatures for example.

Yours is not the first request for a double repeat sign - the fact that I think it irrelevant may be ignored by the development team.

If you want to be certain of it being included though, you need to find someone prepared to add the necessary code to the project, or be able to do it yourself :)

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Good morning all ... sorry for the late response.....Thankyou Mark Sabatella for the clever solution and to the churchOrganist; if you have any influence on the development team or anyone that can write code, why don’t you put the suggestion forward if so many people are asking for it. At least you would be helping in the manner that is more positive as I am not a wonder woman that can write code...LOL. I think it is a pity if a past era is an excuse not to put such signages into an excellent program like musescore. As there will be plenty of time to revert back to doing things by hand when there is no power supply....Anyhow thank you all for your responses ..They have been helpful.

In reply to by ChurchOrganist

As a jazz drummer and orchestral percussionist, I can say that the repeat signs (including the double-bar one) certainly are standard (even if not in antiquity).

While they do save time with handwriting, they also, more importantly, are helpful for the player:
- Fewer page turns—particularly nice for musical theatre books
- Ease of reading—you have no idea how easy it is to lose your place or miss a change when your page consists entirely of similar-looking bars—this goes for both jazz charts and percussion scores.

Slash notation, while extremely useful, does not replace these signs. Drummers usually interpret slash notation as "ad lib groove", not "play these two bars (as writ) again". This is particularly of no help when doing transcriptions.

The workaround listed is useful for one or two iterations, but is far too fiddly to be practicable.

If anyone can code this, I would be appreciative, as it is, I'd say, the most frustrating problem with the software in my typical usage. And not just I, but also these people:

In reply to by xavierjazz

True. I usually reduce stretch to the point where it doesn't take much space, and I add staff text with numbers every 4 bars or whatever. Again, not saying multi-bar repeats wouldn't be nice, just that it's perfectly possible to create usable charts without this. Indeed, most published music in my experience just uses the slashes.

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