Appending an existing file to a template

• Jan 8, 2013 - 01:35

I am very impressed with where Musescore has got to. Beautiful work.
It takes a while to get the hang of new software and I'm struggling with one arranging issue:
Say I have a three stave (organ) file saved as .mscx.
I wish to arrange it using an existing template (say the Concert Band one).
Normally I would have the template on top or bottom and place the organ file above or below it.
From there I would just cut, copy & paste onto the template, with or without instant transpositions.
Actually it's easiest to do a whole score in C, and transpose later or at the part extraction phase.

Question: How do I append/insert/combine the .mscx file with the template?
It seems a bit clunky to stick it on the end and shuffle from one end to the other.
Is it possible to run two instances of the program and cut and paste between them using the clipboard?
Some DTP programs can do this.

Love some feedback here from other arrangers.


Hi alanbonds -

Do you know that you can have multiple tabs open in MuseScore?

I'm not sure I completely understand what you want to do, but you can open your three-staff file in one tab and open your template in another. Then you can switch between these two tabs to cut-and-paste between them.

Does that work for your purposes?


Cut and paste is indeed probably the easiest way. I don't know about two separate instances - that's probably OS-dependent - but you can have two windows up within one instances of MuseScore. See the Display menu and the two "side by side" and "stacked" options.

One thing you lose in copy/paste are text and certainly other markings. If that ends up seeming like a big deal, you could try instead "morphing" your organ score into a concert band score by using Staff Properties (right click menu) to change the existing staves into other instruments, then bringing up the Instruments window (Create->Instruments) to add more. But unless you plan to kjust have each of the three organ staves be played by a single instrument, there is probably no getting around needing to cut and paste.

Thankyou for your feedback.
After posting this, I did discover multiple tabs and the job is a breeze.
I appended three more staves to the template and copied the complete file from the second tab.
So simple.

Now this needs to be put into the manual (unless I have missed something).

Thanks again,

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