Writing cadenzas

• May 6, 2017 - 22:31

I am sorry but I am still having difficulty writing cadenzas. I have tried several ways and re-read all the cadenza instructions but am not successful. Any one still willing to help understand how to write the attached handwritten measures? Thank you.

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Scan0001.pdf 261.52 KB
Help .mscz 10.06 KB


You have several things going on. First of all the whole note G on the first line is in voice 2, it should be in voice 1. That strange symbol is supposed to be a double dotted measure rest because there are no notes on staff 2 voice 1. Voice 1 rests cannot be deleted, and making it invisible doesn't really show you how to properly write the measure. When you move the 16th notes from staff 1 to staff 2 they are still considered to be staff 1 by MuseScore. Next, you have made lining up the beats in the treble and bass staffs quite difficult, it's doable, but not like what you are trying. You have 5 sets of 16th note triplets for 4 beats. I made a 5thlet out of the measure and then selected the 5 1/4 rests and turned them into triplets. I left the tuplet bars so you can see how I did it. I would look at the in the inspector and turn them off if I were publishing them.

In the second one I did basically the same thing, except I change the measure duration to 6/4 and made the whole rest starting on beat 3 a 5thlet. I then changed the rests to 1/8 rests and turn all of those into triplets. The final 2 notes are actually made from the final 3 triplets I made.

Feel free to ask any further questions. See my attached score.

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Cadenzas.mscz 13.52 KB

In reply to by mike320

Wow, Mike! First let me thank you very, very, much for showing me the finished product and for explaining how you did it. Prior to writing, I looked for a 5thlet command in several places but could not find it. In a previous score I had 7 sets of triplets and in another score 9 sets of triplets and never could find their location; might you be willing to show me where you found the 5thlet (and where the 7 and 9 might be as well)?

I put the whole G note in voice 2 because I was unable to add the 3 16ths on voice 1 on the same beat- MuseScore was changing it to a dotted half note with a tie to the next measure. This has been a problem for me in the past with other scores, so I will keep re-reading the manual on this topic.

Does the "measure property" have to been changed from 4/4 to something else for credenzas in a 4/4 score? I also tried to change the time signature to 5/4 with 5 sets of triplets but that appeared not to be the answer.

Anything else you care to offer would be very much appreciated. And again, sincere thanks.

I so want to understand!

In reply to by Megan R

All tuplets from 2 to 9 are made by pressing ctrl-# (# = any digit 2-9). There is also tuplets in the main menu under Notes.

As far as the measure duration is concerned, I did the math necessary to see how many beats were necessary for the measure. In the first measure I did, I noticed there was a whole note taking up the entire measure, so its duration stayed 4/4. The next measure had a quarter rest, quarter note and whole note, so the duration had to be 6/4. I then decided how best break up the notes to fit the measure. I noticed the triplet counts and adjusted them appropriately. In the second measure I could have used a 10:8 tuplet ratio using the tuplets window under the notes menu, but I try to use the numeric keypad whenever possible. Using ratios sometimes causes problems with MuseScore.

Since cadenzas are normally marked as such and are not expected to follow beat count rules for the time signature, changing the actual duration is how I would do it. You could change the time signature, but I don't see it as necessary.

The 16th notes were added in the top staff as I'm sure you are aware of now. To assure you understand, you move them to the bottom staff by selecting them and pressing ctrl-shift-down arrow. Once the are on the bottom staff, they can have their pitches changed like any other note. The first time I did it in this score I had the first triplet in the wrong octave so a used ctrl-down arrow to move it down where it belonged.

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