Feathered beam over rest

• May 7, 2017 - 21:05

In case not reported.

Same behavior with 2.1 and 2.0.3

Attachment Size
Feathered beam over rest.mscz 3.4 KB


You can make the beam appear over the rest by specifying it. While you're entering the notes, it doesn't do that (as expected) but when you select the measure and double click "auto" on the beam palette this is what you get. Note entry results and auto results are supposed to be the same.

This was filed as a bug #99761: Unnecessary beams over rests and lasconic basically nixed it as a bug. This is contrary to what the handbook says is expected. I'm sure Thomas wrote that with the expectation that the expected results were that auto and note entry give the same results. What are we to do? Tell lasconic to make up his mind or change the handbook?

I am not understanding this thread. Is the original post meant to be a "how to" (demonstrating, correctly, how to extend a beam over a rest", a bug report (wondering why setting the beam property of the rest to "middle" has the effect of extending the beam over the rest, or a question (wondering how to make the beam actually *feather* - answer is to double click the feathered beam icon)?

There is indeed a curious quirk of the interface where explicitly setting the beam property of a rest to Auto actually has the same effect as setting it to middle, where I think most people would expect it to have the same effect as setting it to none, since that is the default, and you'd normally expect Auto to have the same effect as the default. Not sure why it doesn't. The question came up in the issue referenced above, but unfortunatewly that issue also touched on a buynch of unrelated topics and it became difficult to sort out which actual topic to associate with that specific issue number. The original issue was about what happens when you explicitly apply "middle", and that much *is* by design. It is absolutely positively not a bug. Only what happens when applying Auto could be considered a (minor) bug. So that was filed as a separate issue - see #52151: "Auto" beam setting for *Rests* should not beam (if no stemlets).

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