Czy jest tu ktoś, kto rozumie po polsku?

• Feb 6, 2013 - 11:05

Mam trudności z angielską terminologią muzyczną, więc nie jestem w stanie sensownie pisać o swych problemach i propozycjach ulepzenia programu. Czy mogę pisać po polsku?


Hi muzyk98,

I would like to open a forum at Could you help me with the translation of the following words/sentences. Please post them in an answer. Once I have the translations, I'll open up a Polish forum. Thanks!

General questions and remarks
Before posting a question or reporting a problem, it's advised to search through the forum first.

Documentation & translation
Questions regarding the handbook or the Polish translation of MuseScore

In reply to by Thomas

No problem:

1. General questions and remarks
Before posting a question or reporting a problem, it's advised to search through the forum first.

Pytania i uwagi ogólne
Przed wysłaniem zapytania lub zgłoszeniem problemu zalecamy najpierw przeszukać forum.

2. Documentation & translation
Questions regarding the handbook or the Polish translation of MuseScore = issues related to...

Dokumentacja po polsku
Zagadnienia dotyczące podręcznika lub polskiego tłumaczenia MuseScore

I hope you will have no problem with Polish characters.

All the best :) For me the Polish forum will be very usuefull. I have many ideas (and problems as well), but I can't use proffesional language.

In reply to by Thomas

As I wrote before, translation with Google are very often absolutely incomprehensible, like the first reply in this topic in "Google Polish". My language is much more complicated then English and Google must lern Polish translation for very long time to do it better. I will try to write in English, but it will be almost as difficult for me as for Google. :-D

In reply to by muzyk98

Hi muzyk98 -

We are a helpful group here and will do our best with your questions.

As for the first reply to your original message, Franz always tries to be welcoming and friendly. However, his native language is Italian, so that may have contributed to the confusion.

We'll do the best that we can. We're happy you found MuseScore and the forums.


In reply to by Fifist

OK, thank you. :)

Can you improve a little bit the forum?

Below of the each forum massage on the lower left corner is a link to open the box for answer. In Polish I see there the word "powtórz" = repeat. It should be "Odpowiedz" = reply.

At the beginning I was wondering what's going on an if I should use it or not. ;-)

@ Thomas:
I am pleased that is a voyage::
"To infinity ... and beyond!"
When will be resolved priorities would be nice to connect the profiles with users online. To emphasize the musescore horizon .
Hi, Franz

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