Pasting lyrics - clipboard content disappears after one paste

• May 16, 2017 - 05:19

I am attempting to add a line of lyrics with the International Phonetic Alphabet pronunciation beneath the lyrics in the original language. I am perfectly fine with copying in the necessary 'exotic' symbols. But my huge frustration is this: I copy the symbol for, say, schwa, and am able to paste it once. When I attempt to paste it again, nothing happens. It is not retained in the clipboard, so I cannot do multiple pastes. So I have to copy the same symbol again, then paste it again, then copy it again, then paste it again, etc. etc. etc.

Because MuseScore (2.1.0 871c8ce) is unable to retain that single symbol in the clipboard until I overwrite it with another symbol, it is taking me FAR longer than it should to do this simple task. I would ADORE being able to simply paste all the schwas, then all the open-e symbols, all the open-o symbols, nasalised-open e symbols, etc., one after another, with as few 'copy' transactions as possible.

I've read the manual, but it doesn't address this particular situation. Am I missing something?


It is by design.. Pasting lyrics that way was implemented to allow you to have a full verse typed out somewhere and then paste it in, one syllable at a time.

Your workaround is to paste in the symbol once from your external source, then select the pasted in lyric and copy and paste that. You can then even select your target notes once and then paste give one paste command. It'll paste the lyric onto each of the selected notes.

Actually, you can do what you want very simply. The trick is to copy and paste the lyric itself, not the text within it. So, enter your special symbol however you like into one syllable. Now, select that syllable, Ctrl+C, and then you can paste it as often as you like. As long as you have an actual lyric syllable selected (as opposed to random text from some other program) then paste doesn't do that thing of going one syllable at a time.

(EDIT: somehow I didn't see that jeetee made the same observation)

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