save as .pdf

• May 20, 2017 - 12:01

Not working. Is there another way to convert musescore files to .pdf ? (I have a laptop pc-windows 7)
OR a way to fix this problem?


Sorry - that's what I meant. I export to .pdf but it's not working. Apparently, new files will export to .pdf's but files I have already created and edited cannot be exported. Any suggestions?

I realize your problem is resolved...

To answer your original question, on Windows you can install software that adds a PDF print driver to your list of printers. You can then "print" your score to a PDF file.

That is a handy feature to have because it will work for all your software programs.

It has been a few years since I used Windows but there were many free or inexpensive software products to do this, such as do PDF or Foxit, or you could spring for the full Adobe Acrobat product which had many other advanced features.

On Mac or Linux you don't need additional software to do this.

Very old versions of Windows have a limitation where you need to explicitly set the full name (including extension) when exporting to a different format. That is, it might not be enough to change the file type to PDF in the drop down, you might have to explicitly add the ".pdf" to the filename. This also depends on whether you are using the option in Windows to hide file extensions. So it's possible you were running into this.

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