TAB revisited: input mode short cuts (Request For Comments)

• Mar 7, 2013 - 20:25

Short cuts for input mode while entering notes in TAB staves is still an open issue, as no set has been identified yet combining simplicity, ease of use, user expectations, cross-platform compatibility and consistency with the rest of the program.

The road-blocking elements are probably two:

1) note value selection short cuts take out the most obvious choice, i.e. digits. Tuplet creation also takes out the [Ctrl][#] series. As entering numbers obviously relates to digits, this requires awkward key combinations (not always cross-platform compatible)..

2) As fret number can go up to 24 and more, a large number of short cuts is required, possibly in several series (it make sense that '1', '11' and '21' are entered in related ways).

So, I am proposing what follows:

1) Note value selection short cuts are dropped in TAB input mode and only TWO additional short cuts are provided, one to increase and one to decrease the selected note value. For instance, TAB input mode would start with crochet selected and using either short cut would change to minim, whole, ... in one sense and to quaver, semiquaver, ... in the other.

2) As simple digits would now be available, a way is devised to enter multi-digit numbers simply by pressing the relevant digits (to enter the '18' fret mark, one simply presses '1' and '8'), without creating multiple digit series. Short cuts for dot and slur remain unaffected.

In practice, I am proposing to sacrifice consistency (with other input modes) to achieve the other goals. However, I believe that the proposed solution is 'obvious' enough from the TAB user point of view to hide the inconsistencies.




Regarding your second 1/, there is already shortcuts for this purpose. Q and W by default.

2/ It might be a nightmare to implement... but if it's possible what about keeping the numpad (when available) for durations, and use the top row for fret entry. Only for tabs of course.
Edit: maybe not such a nightmare... There is Qt::KeypadModifier

In reply to by [DELETED] 3

Yes, but it's better than not having shortcuts at all for note duration in tab entry for all computers. Laptops will have Q/W and other computers Q/W and numpad. The top row numbers would be use for fret entry. I don't like it very much...

Alt + number and Shift + number are taken by add interval above/below.
Ctrl + Alt + number is taken for voice shorcuts
(Cmd + shift + number is taken by screenshot function on OSX)

@ lasconic: "Regarding your second 1/, there is already shortcuts for this purpose. Q and W by default."

OK, I see the misunderstanding: I meant "one to increase and one to decrease the selected note-value" (the value currently selected in the input toolbar) and not "the value of the selected note" (which is what Q and W do). So, Q and W are not relevant here.

"Yes, but it's better than not having shortcuts at all for note duration in tab entry for all computers. Laptops will have Q/W and other computers Q/W and numpad. The top row numbers would be use for fret entry."

Possible (except that it would not be Q/W but something else, as explained above).

"I don't like it very much..."

I don't like it very much either, but I like it MUCH MORE than the current solution, which is REALLY clumsy for TAB note entry (after entering a few dozen measures to make test scores for the new TAB layout fine tuning, I was driven half mad!).

"Alt + number and Shift + number are taken by add interval above/below.
Ctrl + Alt + number is taken for voice shorcuts
(Cmd + shift + number is taken by screenshot function on OSX)

"Add interval above/below" make little sense while working on a TAB and, in fact, I reused their key conbinations for TAB note entry; but the result is clumsy, counter-intuitive and not cross-platform compatible. Add [Ctrl][#] taken by tuplets and we run out of possibilities.

So, the proposal may be amended as follow:

1) Note value selection short cuts are diversified between TAB and non-TAB input mode (TAB ones are moved to numeric keypad by default) and TWO additional short cuts are provided, one to increase and one to decrease the currently selected input value. For instance, TAB input mode would start with crochet selected and using either short cut would change to minim, whole, ... in one sense and to quaver, semiquaver, ... in the other.

2) As simple digits would now be available, a way is devised to enter multi-digit numbers simply by pressing the relevant digits (to enter the '18' fret mark, one simply presses '1' and '8'), without creating multiple digit series. Short cuts for dot and tie remain unaffected.



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