Sound Fonts Online

• May 24, 2017 - 01:52


Recently, with the update of MuseScore 2.1, I've tinkered with some nice sound fonts (Sonatina Symphonic Orchestra, with a few extras to it) and managed to get most of the score to fit with the sound fonts on the program. Overall, the sounds were very impressive. However, when I upload a score with the sound font onto MuseScore, I just hear random instruments playing (mostly pianos). In the release video, there was a section describing that you can upload score audio, but for me, that check box is unclickable. I can't heck that option. Also, I can't find the check box that says to upload an existing score. Any help? Thanks! (The score was re-uploaded several times previously before update).



You need have the necessary LAME library that allows you to export MP#. Try to export as MP3 then follow the instructions in the dialog box that appears.

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