Is musescore right for me?

• Jun 15, 2013 - 00:15

I'm in a rock & roll hobby band. All I need is software that will allow me to create something like the sample I have attached, which I believe is called a lead sheet. I've been wrestling with musescore all day; however, I'm still years away from creating anything similar to what I have attached. Am I using the wrong software?

Attachment Size
Screen Shot 2013-06-14 at 7.12.22 PM.png 92.47 KB


A resounding *yes* to your question!
You can do it all, and it won't 'take years' to create something like your attachment, so pull up a chair and join in.

One thing about Musescore is the built-in redundancy, as there are alternate ways to accomplish the same tasks. I have modified contributor Chen's score to give you some idea. See attachment 'Score_2.mscz'.

As you discover shortcuts and more efficient workflow techniques for entering notes, you will see just how amazing this software is. So, have fun and keep going with version1.3 until the release of ver. 2.0, which will have even more features, like tabs and chord diagrams!

Attachment Size
Score_2.mscz 9.32 KB

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