Fills in repeated sections

• Jul 23, 2013 - 23:52

In some sheet music transcriptions with repeats, there are 'fill' bars at the bottom of the page to account for instances in which something is differently played in a repeat.

I'm wondering whether MuseScore should implement this.

What do others think?


In reply to by chen lung

If I am interpreting that correctly, it doesnt look like it is anything special about fills or repeats - it's just an ordinary editorial footnote, that could possibly contain anything, but happens to be used to indicae a fill in this instance I guess. MuseScore can create these as graphics, and the process is much more convenient in 2.0 than previously. But as with ossia (a similarly disembodied measure placed directly inlone with the score instead of in a footnote at the bottom, it would indeed be nice to have a way of creating these where you could edit the, directly. Given the relative ease of doong this graphically, I'd personally rate this a relatively low priority feature request, but it would indeed be nice to have some day.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

It's indeed very low priority according to me too. We discussed with Werner about this a couple of time, our best guess for an implementation would be to let user embed a score in a score. So to have a frame in a score with a scoreview in it. Definitely not something for tomorrow or the day after.

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