New User .. Trying to format a page

• Jul 28, 2013 - 06:11

Hi .. I am new to musescore and I am trying to format a page for spoken type of music for chanting.

I have a sample of what I want the file to look like, but I can't seem to get musescore do it.

I am attaching a screen shot of what I am trying to accomplish.

For example, I am trying to set up a score with no time signature, since it is chanting.

Also, I need to type words in between notes. Both of these are shown in the example.

Thanks for any help.

Attachment Size
Untitled-1.jpg 104.96 KB


In reply to by Shoichi

Dang .. I hope one day I am able to do stuff that fast with this software.

I will look through the handbook and see if I can piece it together. Your example is a different page size, and I need 6 staves per sheet.

Thanks for giving me hope, I felt like I was never going to figure this out.

The pre release version of MuseScore 2 is much better at producing this kind of thing than 1.3

There are split and join measure functions which enable you begin with a standard time signature and then split and join them to provide the bar lengths you require.

You can also suppress time siganture display better.

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